I graduated from The Gaiety School of Acting, The National Theatre School of Ireland’s full time intensive training programme with a diploma in Acting in 2012 but I have been acting the Eejit ever since 1990!

Some of my credits include

TV: Harry Wild 2023, No Worries If Not 2022, Free Gaf 2022, Callans Kicks the Years 2022, Finding Joy 2018, Titanic Blood and Steel 2012, Fair City 2006 - 2008. Free Now Taxi Ad 2021, Avonmore Milk Ad 2021 - 2023. Heartbreakers Pilot 2018, Diamante Pilot 2021. Matrix and Futurebound music video ‘Lose Control’

Short Films: The Trouble Generator 2022 (watch here), The Wedding 2021.

For a full resume, showreel or to request a self-tape. Please contact my agent