Sunday Drunch
Drunk on Chocolate!
Drunk on Chocolate!
Easter Sunday, I’m all for a holiday that celebrates a man who rises! The closest I have come to a ‘resurrection’ is thinking I am truly dying from a hangover, when my head feels like a van has reversed over it and parked there for the day with its hazards on! I believe I am passing over from one ‘Spirit’ induced life into the next, then all of a sudden coming around again because I can smell the doorbell and taste some overpriced MSG!
Curry sauce has healing powers, a ‘3 in 1’ is called that because it can heal 3 things in one… hunger, a broken heart and a hangover!
A hangover? I haven’t had one of those in a while. The novelty of binge drinking in lockdown wore off back in 2020 when I confused my alcohol anxiety for covid anxiety and I worried three weeks too much about what the Dutch farmers would do with the Tulips they couldn’t sell. I cried so hard for those mouth + front bum sounding blossoms!
I’m having a Wispa in bed at 9.03am I don’t know where in the story of Easter that chocolate was introduced but I’m here for it, I am an atheist with taste buds and ‘My God’ there is something so incredibly tasty about chocolate in an egg shape. I haven’t quite cracked why it tastes so much nicer in an oval ball but I think it’s because deep down you know it’s seasonal, it’s not gonna be around for very long, like a lot of my ex boyfriends! Enjoy it while you can, make the most of it and then regret ever touching it!
Although I am eating chocolate in bed for breakfast, the novelty has worn off on me as they started selling Easter eggs in January. Will Power is a good name for an English investment banker but it is not something I have when it comes to chocolate and a bargain. Three eggs for three euro in Lidl. I jumped at them every week like I was on an episode of supermarket sweep.
My Lidl trips are the highlight of my week and I would have said that pre-pandemi! Shopping for my own food has always been top of my gratitude list. It was something I would tell my Mum I couldn't wait to do when I grew up. ‘Mum’ I would say ‘when I am older I am walking straight into the shops with my monies and I am buying a jar of Nutella and a cucumber’! I would just like to tell my 7 year old self that we have achieved the dream and sadly that is no longer what freedom tastes like, freedom to me now would taste like a cold pint poured in a pub without having to order a lasagne, eating a poutine in Vancouver, pasta in Rome or a veggie sausage roll from Gregg’s in Whitechapel.
As my mind travels the world with food, my fingers are roaming over to pick up a not fully grown Kit Kat bar. C’mon Nestle get your act together and put an adult Kit Kat in your eggs! I must go cause I am drunk on chocolate!